Monday morning turned out to be SUPER SPECIAL for our preschool! There was a knock on our door and who should be there but our wonderful friend Brian the Storyteller! 

We were so excited we squealed and rushed to give him hugs and tell him how much we missed him! We have not been able to see him since lockdown began way back in March – far too long! But now it is safe enough for him to return and continue to enthrall us with his creative, imaginative and beautiful stories (they always have a lesson to be learned from them) AND to engage our SUUUUUUPER BRAINS with learning our ABC’s and numbers (groups of 5 and 10 being our favourite!), as well as nursery rhymes, too! Brian often brings with him a prop or two to act as a visual aid when telling his stories – the children are always given the opportunity to hold it afterwards šŸ™‚ Also, because he is a kind man and cares so much about our education, he surprises us regularly with a wee gift of a story book or something he knows will be beneficial to building our knowledge – thank you, Brian!