At Montessori STARS we are a loving and inclusive multi-cultural preschool and when your child has a birthday we celebrate their milestones with a special graduation ceremony.
We invite you and your whanau to join us AT A TIME THAT SUITS YOU.
You are welcome to bring anything you wish to share with us including your own photos and some special food. We light a candle and sing the earth goes around the sun as your child walks around the earth.

We share photos from their very own profile book that is filled with special memories and stories of their journey here at Montessori STARS. We talk about each age and stage, from when they are born UP TO THEIR BIRTHDAY AGE. Finally, we sing Happy Birthday in both English and Te Reo or your choice of language.

On your child’s 5th Birthday we give them a gift from us with a special message written inside to take home and treasure. This is our farewell gift to you and your child as they transition to school so that they continue to show confidence, growing and learning to be them as a unique amazing person.