Welcome back!
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A huge warm welcome back to our Montessori STARS team, tamariki and whānau. We hope you all had a wonderful break away, celebrating the family holiday season.  We will kick into the new year focusing on sharing stories and memories made over the past few weeks. We love supporting our STARS to create those special connections between home and preschool whilst building back their sense of belonging and strengthening their well being.

We love to see our STARS growing confidence when they stand up at group korero time and share their thoughts with us all.  We always welcome your child to bring in anything of significance to them about things you have been doing at home and when you are out and about.  This gives them the opportunity to feel like part of a community communicating with their peers and practising their leadership skills.
Throughout the year we will be sharing our learning celebrations and special moments with you all on our website blog.  This will help to give you an insight behind your child’s early learning and development and show you our activities to give you ideas that you can extend your tamariki with at home. 

Aroha nui,

Laura, Shaz, Loz, Aimee, Carolina and Sweety