We made it! Well done parents and guardians! Aimee, Loz, and Shaz would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your kindness, love, and respect on our return to Montessori STARS. We have all been amazing at everything we have done during our time away and we have cruised back into our preschool routines with ease.
We have had a so many birthdays, graduations and welcomed new STARS to our family/whanau.
Graduations – Brydie……..Goldie…….Khaylan-Rose
Birthdays – Andre and Luke G
A very big welcome to Honor, (Andre’s gorgeous cuz), Jackson who has come from the very big WILLOWS preschool and Phoenix who is from Canada, and of course their awesome Mums and Dads.
Good hygiene practices will continue to be important for us at Alert Level 1 as the best way to minimise the potential spread of COVID-19 and other illnesses such as colds and flu.

Please stay home if you or your child has any of the symptoms below and are sick.
- Cough
- Fever
- Sore throat
- Runny nose
- Shortness of breath/difficulty breathing
- Temporary loss of smell
These symptoms are similar to a range of other illnesses, like influenza. Having them doesn’t mean you will have COVID-19, but you should remain vigilant and follow the processes for managing infectious illnesses.
Children with asthma, hay fever, allergies, ear infections or other acute or chronic conditions may have similar symptoms and do not pose an infection risk to other children/tamariki.
Any child that is sick should still go home.
We have now received our long awaited hand sanitiser so we have plenty in stock for the future.
Regular routines such as washing hands after blowing noses, toileting or. changing nappies will continue as per usual. Our children/tamariki who are too young to wash their own hands will need to have this done for them regularly, including after having their nappy changed so this will take extra time for us. It is very helpful for us if you can please help your child to go through the process to wash and dry their hands at home to give them lots of practice.
Also to keep encouraging everyone to cough and sneeze into their elbow to catch the droplets and stop them getting onto their hands.
Thanks again for being awesome xx