Our April focus:
Principles of Montessori
Montessori is an education for independence. It provides tamariki with the environment, materials, and guidance to learn to do and think for themselves. Tamariki in Montessori schools learn by working with specially designed materials. The Montessori environment should also be structured and have order.

Montessori emphasises how nature enriches the life of each child through supporting physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development. As we are currently in our autumn season, we found the leaves of different shapes and sizes in our outdoor environment and created artwork with them 🍀

We said farewell to our STAR Brock, thank you for being such a great leader and example to our younger tamariki.
✨ Such a busy learning month! ✨Opportunities and possibilities. What’s next?
We will continue to encourage our tamariki to explore and learn more about our Montessori ways of being, knowing and doing. We will also continue to foster individual independence and confidence in our tamariki, so that they know they are absolutely capable. Montessori education leads to independence in children, encouraging exploration and teaching them to take responsibility for themselves, their belongings, and the environment.
“Never help a child with a task at which he feels he can succeed.” – Maria Montessori.